About Us
All our institutions have been working on Gender Inequality, eSafety and Web design so far and we wanted to share our best practices and learn from the other partners something which could help our schools go on deepening the content of these goals which are also in the Agenda ONU 2030 and guide our teaching/learning habits.
All our institutions have been working on Gender Inequality, eSafety and Web design so far and we wanted to share our best practices and learn from the other partners something which could help our schools go on deepening the content of these goals which are also in the Agenda ONU 2030 and guide our teaching/learning habits. We as teachers wanted to implement and share our teaching methods and let these topics be part of our teaching activities. We create a common document about eSafety which was signed by all the headmasters of the team and we edited a special issue on our blog “Giornalino Gigli” dealing with Gender Inequality and Cyberbullying as a permanent action against ignorance and stereotypes.
Our aims were:
- To achieve a deeper and shared consciousness about the before mentioned topics;
- To introduce these topics in our daily teaching activities;
- To learn from each other;
- To adopt common working strategies;
- To create a shared official document to be inserted in our PTOF;
- To help students be active thinkers and learners.
Thanks to our cooperation we implemented these skills: Digital skills and competences; Media literacy and tackling disinformation; Promoting gender equality.
Schools Involved:
- E10044678 30068-ORG-00000 Beneficiary Istituto d’Istruzione Superiore Lorenzo Gigli Italy – Rovato (BS)
- E10240893 30068-ORG-00001 Partner PÄ°RÄ° REÄ°S MULTI-PROGRAM ANATOLIAN HIGH SCHOOL – Turkey Antakya/HATAYÂ
Piri Reis - Turkey 🇹🇷
Ahi Evran - Turkey 🇹🇷
- E10176185 30068-ORG-00003 Partner ADEMINHO/Escolav Profissional do Alto Minho Interior –Â Portugal Paredes de CouraÂ
Eprami School - Portugal 🇵🇹